Monday, June 8, 2015

Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it

It should be easy. We know exactly who in our lives have hurt, betrayed, or left us. Yet, in tough times, it’s hard to shake off the history we had before things turned sour. As humans, we’re creatures of habit. And when life is far from ideal, it’s easy to go back to those we once relied on for love, light and support in times of trouble. Even if they’re the reason behind the trouble we’re currently drowning in.
This is why so many of us run back to exes to soothe the heartbreak that they largely caused; why it’s so difficult to cut ties with long-standing friends and family, regardless of how glaring their flaws may be. Letting go of love is one thing; shuttering down old habits and comforts is quite another.
I wish there was better advice to offer, or a deeper recognition of why heartbreak is such a messy, awful thing the deal with. (I mean, really, it is just the worst) For now, though, this absolutely rings true: stop looking for happiness in the same place or places you lost it.
No matter how awful it is to hold out right now, today, just do it. Keep moving forward physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
You can’t possibly heal if you’re still allowing the same toxic people to participate in your life. It takes time for the poison to make its way out of your life.
After going through a really, really tough breakup after 8 yrs , I realized how many people around me had felt the same. Some were happy, some were still struggling, and some seemed to be on the way to forgiveness. It depended on the person, but their post-heartbreak progress seemed to mostly be tied to how much time had passed.
I still have good and bad days, but the good have begun to outnumber the bad. I’ve kept myself busy with my blog, travel, gym, jogging,  and spending time with family and friends that I know, love and trust with my heart. Not to be cliché, but this, too, shall pass. As long as we take the necessary steps to allow it to.

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