366 Kuya Lawrence Celebrates with Children’s Joy Foundation
AUGUST 30, 2014
Ate Ana Cortez gave us a call 2 and a half months before this birthday event of his 5 year old son, Lawrence with the kids. We acknowledge the fact that she was so willing and excited to celebrate with orphans of Children’s Joy Foundation. We share that enthusiasm with her.
The afternoon’s festivities were filled with two games, two entertainers, lots of food and gift giving to get both the kids and volunteers acquainted and comfortable with one another. It was a full house as volunteers from Standard Chartered Bank joined together with our sponsors friends. There were also 42 kids who participated.
The teens of Children’s Joy Foundation also performed as they serenaded Lawrence as we greet him a Happy Birthday. It was night time when we said our goodbyes to everyone. We ended with a group photo and hugs for one awesome celebration.
Thank you once again Ate Ana. U! Happy Events looks forward to having more Mothers partner with us for their kid’s special day.
- See more at: http://uhappyevents.com/kuya-lawrence-celebrates-with-childrens-joy-foundation/#sthash.d8G5zcDm.dpuf
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