When you get married with someone your suppose to be in love and happy with that person. Many people, mostly women, feel very strong about marriage, moving in, and starting a new family. I always ask myself “why do people need to get married to prove they love someone?” is it because they want to show off there brand new ring or just because they think they need to get married. Maybe there is different kinds of love, different kinds of feelings that get you to think you are in love, but your really not. Many individuals tend to confuse love with lust or like. So how will we ever really know if love exist or not? They say love is like magic, but if magic is just an illusion does that mean love is as well?
I always told myself I was too young to know what love was. Till this day I don’t know exactly what love is, I don’t even know if it really exist or not. There are some people who don’t believe in love because they most likely, either got there heart broken, never really been in love, don’t want to get hurt, or they just don’t care about it. Well, I do. I have gotten my heart broken, I believed I really was in love, and I will take the risk of getting hurt to find true love because I do care. I care because I know how happy love can make you feel, because I want to grow old with someone, and because I cant imagine life without my other half.
I know a lot of people who claim that they have been in love or that they are, but I find it very hard to believe. It almost never fails that whenever I ask someone what love is they respond “I don’t know” or “when two people really care about each other”. It is very interesting to me to hear different peoples outlook’s on love. My outlook on love changed. After ending a long term relationship (4th- exbf) I learned a lot. I learned that what I felt wasn’t love. I realized that I didn’t really love that person I was with I was just so used to him. I broke his heart, not because I wanted to but because I wasn’t happy with him. When I ended our relationship I didn’t do it for anyone else, I did it because I knew that was exactly what I wanted. Little did I know that what I once thought love was, is nothing compared to what I think love is now.
I never thought I would experience love at such a young age, maybe I haven’t, but one thing I know for sure is exactly how I felt. When someone asks me what love is, I could respond. I don’t have to say “I don’t know” or “when two people really care about each other” because to me that’s not what love is, that’s not what I believe. I believe true love is when you will do anything to see that person happy, its when two people feel exactly the same about each other, when two people become one.
Love is out there and it’s the most beautiful feeling in life, love is everlasting and although it could be an illusion it’s the greatest adventure you will take. Its real, we live it, and we breath it. Love suffers all and is kind. Love does not envy, love does not parade itself, it does not behave rudely, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it thinks no evil, does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails, take it and live it. I believe true love does exist.
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