Wednesday, June 10, 2015


449 Ate Ana Celebrates with Philippine Orthopedic Center

FEBRUARY 14, 2015
Written by Secretary, Glenn Costales

It was February 14 – a day to celebrate love and all its romantic gestures and expressions. One person however fancied a different way to spend this special day.
Having her birthday exactly on Valentine’s, Ate Ana Cortez, accompanied by her son Lawrence, put together an event at the Pediatric Ward of the Philippine Orthopedic Center in Quezon City. It was quite the turn out as well with Ate Ana’s family, friends and some more willing volunteers joining in on the early afternoon gathering.
A number of kids were still having their siesta when the team arrived. But when the music started, their curious minds began to turn and they were soon wide awake with anticipation.
The kuyas and ates then got right into it as they were instructed to look for their partner kids for the day. As they paired up, they made their acquaintances and were soon getting to know each other. It was just the tip of the iceberg though because the activities lined up intended to produce an intimate time between the volunteers and the kids.
Ate Dyali Justo of Adarna House soon had the mic and led a lively tale of a wonderful children’s story. It was a very engaging activity that aimed to encourage children to read as it highlighted the fun in reading.
Afterwards, the volunteers also got to try their hands in storytelling as they were given a storybook each to read to their kids. Following Ate Dyali’s example, the kuyas and ates spiritedly narrated their stories to the kids’ (and their parents’) appreciation. This really underlined the importance of reading even deeper. As the people of Adarna House would say, these activities “aim to develop a genuine love for reading among children through storytelling.”
As a final part of the program, and being Valentine’s Day of course, a couple of ‘obliging’ volunteers serenaded everyone with love songs – the perfect way to wind things down. Lunch was served and the volunteers got to bond with the kids for just a little bit more before saying goodbye.
Thank U! to Ate Ana Cortez, Lawrence and all the volunteers for making this day happen. While most people were out on romantic dates, they chose to express love in a much more pure way – the agape love for others – and they definitely deserve a lot of love for that.

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